No one wants to waste their lives. We want to live our lives to their full potential, but we can miss it. We can miss the lives we were meant to live when we live foolish instead of wise. Wisdom isn’t something that older people have a monopoly on. Wisdom is meant for all of us and it’s meant for us to pursue starting today. So how do I begin to live wise?
Listen to: Week 1- Seeking
Wisdom: Week 1- Seeking February 20th, 2019
Van Riggins
Listen to: Week 2- Choices
Wisdom: Week 2- Choices February 27th, 2019
Van Riggins
Listen to: Week 3- Relationships
Wisdom: Week 3- Relationships March 6th, 2019
Van Riggins
Listen to: Week 4- Time
Wisdom: Week 4- Time March 13th, 2019
Van Riggins